Indian Hindu Wedding and Eclipses|Maangu

Solar and Lunar eclipses have a great importance in Indian Hindu Wedding. There is a tradition of performing one major part of the wedding in Solar eclipses and the next major part in Lunar eclipse.  Although with change in time, there have been many changes in Indian Hindu wedding, many perform wedding in one day, while some perform in day and night. Educated and professional families value time and  choose a wedding date that  has got passing one eclipse and starting of one eclipse, to keep the tradition going and valuing time on the other side. While people in village still give much preference to two eclipses without caring their time, and time of people attending marriage ceremony of their son or daughter.

Generally, if ‘Tilak” ceremony happens in Solar period, Wedding ceremony should happen in Lunar period. A day or two days gap is preferred in this time, when people  have no time to spend besides their professional or personal work. “Vivah Muhurt” is important in choosing dates, along  with the eclipses. Sometimes it is comfortable while sometimes the other way around. Anyways “Hindu Pandits” are clever in setting “vivah Muhurt” when the dates generally don’t fit, and can even match a horoscope when it technically doesn’t match. That’s the beauty of their  money making skill.

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