Inter caste Marriage: Past to Present

cropped-maangu-hoarding-board-2.jpgWind of Inter caste marriage has boomed up in recent time. Though Inter caste marriages have been happening from prehistoric times to present for different reasons, these days its became a sort of tradition among the teenagers of different society. It is seen mostly popular among  educated guys who have been living far from their home, some for the well being of  their family while some  for higher studies. In Indian historic times, during the rule of different dynasties of kings, inter caste marriages happened for  the purposes of power bargain. Weaker or less powerful married their daughter or sister to mighty ones to secure their state. The old ones or traditional people in educated  family  even today can’t digest the culture of  Inter caste marriage  among youngsters.

In Ancient Indian Hindu history King Dashrath  of Avadh Married his son Ram with Sita, the only daughter of Mithila monarch, Janak. In Dwapar Yuga, Gopal dyansty’s Bashudev Krishna married his sister Subhadra to Chandra dynasty’s Arjun. The advantages of  inter caste marriages are numerous. They tie the knot of not only two individuals but bind two families of different culture, society and the country or place, which is important itself in prospering two cultures. In the light of genetic science hybrid generation has always been seen to be genius. Maangu, the fastest growing matrimony site is a platform where one can find ideal partner of their choice coming from different ethnic backgrounds and cultures, in addition to those who want a bride or groom in their own caste or cultures.

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